The Infamous "Sergio" Leg Routine
For the ultimate leg blast, try this lower body routine to shock your muscles into maximal growth. This routine should only be done every two weeks at the most. It's extremely hard and has been known to leave the complete lower body sore to the touch for up to 5 days! It's for experienced trainees only....actually, to do it correctly and get the growth benefits, one really needs to be an experienced trainee. Sometimes, inexperienced lifters will mistakenly hold their breath and actually do what's know as a valsalva maneuver, thus giving themselves a terrible headache that could linger for days.
Anyway, we started using this leg routine with Ohio State football players back in the mid 80's. Jim Lachey, Mike Tomczak, Mike Lanese and Lamar Kuechler are a few names who come to mind. We also used it to train champion Bando kickboxers who trained there in Columbus, Ohio at the time. The results were phenomenal and also instilled incredible mental toughness. A few years later, the 20 rep squat routine was publicized by Randall Strossen in his book: SUPER SQUATS.
We borrowed the order of exercise from a bodybuilder named Sergio Olivia. The intensity approach had an Arthur Jones link, where the trainee moves quickly from exercise to exercise, with little or no rest at all....sometimes referred to as a H.I.T. (High Intensity Training)approach. It's a requirement to have at least one training partner with you for spotting and moral support. The routine goes like this:
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